DC Chinese Lunar New Year Parade
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2025 at 2:00pm (Rain or Shine)
The 2024 Annual Chinese Lunar New Year Parade is hosted and organized by the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of Washington, DC (CCBA) in partnership with the DC Mayor’s Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs (MOAPIA). In the lunar calendar, it will be the year 4723! The streets of DC’s Chinatown will be filled with revelers and spectators as we celebrate the Year of the Snake.
Join us for a vibrant community-based parade featuring various cultural and community performers. The grand finale will include a spectacular firecracker show in the middle of H Street. Come early to enjoy a meal at one of the many local eateries and restaurants, and then find the perfect curbside spot to witness the colorful festivities!
We advise taking the METRO to Gallery Place and avoiding the transportation hassle is best.
SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, February 2nd, 2025 at 2:00pm
The Year of the Snake!
In Chinese zodiac, the snake is associated with wisdom, charm, elegance, and transformation. People born in the Year of the Snake are believed to be intuitive, strategic, and intelligent. People born as Snakes are mysterious, smart, wise, charming, good at talking, determined, and caring. They value knowledge, work hard to achieve goals, and form deep bonds in relationships.
CCBA have been hosting the annual parade for over 65 years.
Here is a short documentary about our history.
Parade Participants include the following:
DC Police Cruisers and Motorcycles
DC Police Honor Guard
US Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps
Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Mayor Muriel Bowser & VIPs
Mayor’s Office on Asian Pacific Islander Affairs
Chinese Seniors Citizens Association
Dept. of Aging and Community Living
DC Police Academy
Councilmember Anita Bonds’ Team
Office of Attorney General Brian Schwalb
CYC Lion Dance Troupe
Chinese Princesses & Horse Carriage
12 Zodiac Animals
The Three Princes
TECRO in the United States
TECRO Chinese Language School (Drumline team)
TECRO Military Delegation
Formosa Association of Student Cultural Ambassadors in DC
Confucius Group
Taiwan Benevolent Association
Hwang Pu Alumni Association
Wong’s People Lion Dance Troupe
KMT Washington Chapter
Global Federation of Chinese Businesswomen in Baltimore
Chinese NESTA
Washington Metropolitan Association of Chinese Schools
Northern Virginia Experimental Chinese School
Choy Wun Lion Dance Troupe
Chinese Freemason
Eng Family Association
On Leong Merchant Association
Yee Fung Toy Association
Hip Sing Association
Downtown BID
Excel Academy All Girls Charter School Drumline
Moy Family Association
American Legion
US Chinese American Military Veterans
US Chinese American Naval Academy Midshipmen
Jow Ga Shaolin Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe
Tzu Chi Academy
DC Public Library
DC Dragon Boat Club
Smithsonian Institution
Seed Public Charter School & Statesman School for Boys Drumline
1882 Foundation, Inc.
Friends of the National Asian-Pacific American Museum
CCACC Dragon Troupe
Yu Ying Public Charter School
The National Girls Scouts of America
US Military Academy West Point Cadets
US Air Force Academy
Hung Ci Lion Dance Troupe
Wei Hua Chinese School
Buddha’s Light International Association
Shaolin Temple Kung Fu School
Tinkus Bolivian Dance Team
Jow Ga Kung Fu Athletic Association Lion Dance Troupe
Almas Shriners Clowns & Motorcade
Our Event Sponsors
CCBA want to acknowledge and thank the following organizations for their support of the Annual Chinese New Year Parade in Washington, DC Chinatown. With the tremendous support of the greater Chinatown community, including these major sponsors, this parade highlights our vibrant Chinese American culture.
Parade Day Details
What To Wear
Join in on the celebration! Wear the color red to ward off evil spirits and bring in good fortune to celebrate the Year of the Snake.
How To Get There
Skip the hassle! Take METRO to Gallery Place/Chinatown.
– If you are coming in on the Red Line from Silver Spring/Wheaton…exit at Judiciary Square and walk the two extra blocks.
– If you are coming in on the Red Line from Shady Grove/Bethesda…take the Bus Shuttle from DuPont Circle to Gallery Place
– Green and Yellow Lines will still stop at Gallery Place/Chinatown.
See the parade route to find the perfect spot for the parade.
Where To Eat
Enjoy the food! Chinatown has an abundance of restaurants—Chinese and other cuisines.
Get here early for lunch or stay after the parade for dinner.